tak podme na to
[ok,lets go]:
najprv odstrihnem konektor kt. ide do disketovky aj s kusom kabla.
[cut off one connector with piece of cable.]
z druheho konektoru opatrne odstranim krytku-sroubovakem treba nadvihnut taku zapadku (kt. sa velmi rada lame) a opatrne vytiahnut
[remove the connector clamp from the middle connector carefuly,you will need to pry a small thingy that holds it with a screwdriver]
..takto.potom vytiahnite druhu cast konektora z kable (pozor aby sa nepovytahovali tie kovove kontakty)
[..this way.now separate the connector from the cable (careful,dont pull out the small metal "teeth" out of the connector)]
otocim 4 stredne dratky.
[twist the four wires in the middle.]
prilozim ten uvolneny konektor na kabel (vsimnite si kam smeruju tie vystupky na konektoroch.teraz to vyzera trocha divne,ale je to spravne,uvidite),konektor poriadne popritlacam na kabel,aby sa aspon trocha prichytil.treba davat pozor aby konektor nebol prilis vpravo alebo vlavo-vsetky kovove kontakty musia byt zakryte kablom
[place the previously removed connector on the cable,apply some pressure,the connector should attach itself on the cable slightly]
kovove kontakty este neprerazili cez kabel.
[the metal "teeth" have not penetrated the cable yet]
prilozim kus novin,a sroubovakom to dukladne prevalcujem.chce to celkom silu.(a zislo by sa aj zaostrit
[place a piece of newspaper over the cable,and roll it over with the screwdriver handle (it needs quite some pressure to get it done right)]
konce kovovych kontaktov by mali po valcovani prerazit kabel.ak sa to stane,dotlacim kabel na doraz pomocou maleho (tupeho!!) sroubovaka.pritlacam najprv v strednom riadku a potom aj po okrajoch,ale vzdy vodorovne,nikdy nie napriec (tj hrot sroubovaka musi vzdy byt natoceny ako na obrazku)
[tips of the metal "teeth" should be through the cable now.finish the job with a small (blunt!) screwdriver.]
prilozim tu krytku-musi zapadnut lahko.ak nie,pokrivili sa kontakty=sh!t.treba sa skusit pozriet ci niektore niesu vychylene z radu,ak ano,treba ich narovnat
[attach the connector clamp.careful,it should go easy,if you cant get it to place easily,it means you have bended the metal "teeth".if this is the case,remove the clamp and make sure the metal "teeth" are in proper positions]
odrezem precnievajuci kabel
[cut off the redundant piece of cable]
z druheho konca kabla co zostal odstranim tu krytku kt. drzi zohnuty kabel
[remove the cable clamp from the second end of the cable-its the one that holds the end of the cable in bent position]
skrutim pripevneny konektor tak aby bol zarovno s tym prvym
[bend the cable this way]
a tou poslednou krytkou pricvaknem ohnuty kabel na novom konektore.
[and use the cable clamp to fix the cable in the correct position]
vysledok by mal vyzerat takto:
[the result should look like this]
prikladam schemu prepojenia pinov ak budete testovat ci je kabel priechodny (tie prazdne su tak isto ako tie na krajoch):
[I'm adding a pin connection scheme (the "empty" pins are connected the same way as those on the left side),remember,if the pins arent connected properly the SLI cable wont work.checking all the connections with few wires,batteries and a small bulb is recommended.]