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Napsal: čtv črc 01, 2004 12:40 pm
od lipo
nevite nedko jestli se pracuje na novjejsi verzi ? Protoze ten co je v jadre je fakt hodne starej a nelze vyuzit vsechny moznosti v5 < .32 pameti a 1x vsa1oo neni zrovna ono pro v5
Napsal: čtv črc 01, 2004 12:48 pm
od Vykupitel
No,nepracuje a pokud se neudelat natlakovka na Daniela tak nikdo ani nebude.
Napsal: čtv črc 01, 2004 12:57 pm
od lipo
A nechces ho popohnat
je to skoda to nevyuzit kdyz je monost
Napsal: čtv črc 01, 2004 7:44 pm
od Vykupitel
Tak uz se neco deje.
Cekam na ty zdrojaky a uvidime. Treba se bude uz neco dit. Alan Cox se v DRI mailing listu vyjadril pro prepracovani SLI podpory. Doufam, ze se toho nekdo chytne.
Napsal: pát črc 02, 2004 9:11 am
od Vykupitel
Tak mi prisli zdrojaky a opravdu v adresari TDFX je soubor ktery ma 40kB a jmenuje se tdfx_sli.c .
Posilam Danielovi a uvidime.
Napsal: pát črc 02, 2004 12:08 pm
od lipo
Napsal: úte črc 06, 2004 6:30 pm
od Vykupitel
Nasel jsem na webu:
Precision Insight's Daryll Strauss wrote in to the DRI project's development mailing list to address concerns about the 3dfx driver's future after the acquisition of 3dfx's core assets by NVIDIA was announced:
There's not a lot of official comments we can make about 3dfx, mostly because we don't actually know much.
Our contract with 3dfx actually expired a while back. They've been working internally on the driver, mostly on the SLI/FSAA issues.
We have a second customer that has been paying us to develop the 3dfx driver. That work is also coming to a close, but it resulted in the complete rewrite of the core driver that you see in the tdfx-3-0 branch.
We really have no knowledge of what nVidia is going to do in the future with 3dfx hardware and software. We continue to talk with nVidia on and off. So, far that hasn't resulted in any development contracts. Luckily documentation for the V3 and glide for the V5 is available, so anyone who wants to develop these drivers independently in the future may well be able to do so.
That's about all there is to say. After the amount of time I put into their hardware I'm sad to see 3dfx go. Compared to most vendors, they were good about supporting Linux, in providing source and documentation, and paying for development. I personally think more competition is good for consumers, but it is a rough market to survive in. We'll see what happens with the remaining hardware manufacturers.
Napsal: úte črc 06, 2004 7:04 pm
od lipo
No moje english neni moc dobra neco jsem z toho pochopil ale nevim jestli dobre vyslo me z toho ze vyvoj neni moc aktualni ale ze dokumentace pro v3 a v5 je takze kdo se do toho bude chtit pustit samostatne tak jedine dobre .
a jeste je tam zminka o tdfx-3-0-0-branch na netu jsem nasel This driver has been specially taylored for the Glide 3 API, and as a
result demonstrates very good performance. stim ze podporuje V5 . Ale nikde sem nenasel jestli se to da nekde stahnout bo jak
edit tak uz jsem stahnul z cvs tdfx-3-0-0-branch ted akorat potestovat vypada to na zdrojaky glidu
Napsal: úte črc 06, 2004 9:18 pm
od Vykupitel
Spis zkus zkompilovat 2-1-0 branch. Podle toho co jsem se docetl,tak od 3-0-0 jsou nejake zmeny a zmeneny core driveru.
Napsal: úte črc 06, 2004 9:55 pm
od Vykupitel
Tak dalsi vec,ktera snad pomuze. Podarilo se mi sehnat mejla na posledniho 3dfx developera(Bill White),ktery zapracovaval SLI do TDFX driveru a poslal jsem mu smutneho mejla se zadosti o pomoc.
Treba se dockame pomoci ci aspon navedeni na jadro problemu. Snad odpovi.
Napsal: úte črc 06, 2004 10:16 pm
od lipo
Super doufam ze se ozve ale vetsina developeru je moc zamestnana nato aby ve svem volnem case psali drivery ci cokoliv jineho a jeste zadarmo
.Snad tvuj mejl pomuze
protoze vykon voodoocek je v linuxu ubohy
Napsal: stř črc 07, 2004 8:21 am
od Vykupitel
Tak odpoved je tady:
This is not completely true. There was a contractor working on
SLI proper, and I was working on something else. However, just
before 3Dfx died, not more than a week I think, I convinced my
manager that the contractor was not making progress, and that I
should start working on it. I did not make really much progress
before 3Dfx went under. I had intended to make SLI work anyway
after I started my new job, but it never seemed to work.
In any case, the Glide source has enough code to make SLI work
on Windows. The Windows driver, if I recall correctly, had SLI
working properly, and all the Glide code was in the SourceForge
Glide project, Windows and Unix all together. So, there should
be enough data there to make it all work. Now, this does not
mean that understanding it is easy. There was some weirdness
with the configuration bits which I did not completely understand,
and there is some formula which tells how the processor maps
to the pixel addresses which was not clear. I have mostly
forgotten the details, though, and I have no more documentation
or code to give you.
Sorry. I am sorry I didn't get SLI working, but it would
only be working in full screen anyway. So, it's not clear
how much good it would be doing for you, unless you were
using it for gaming. How much Linux gaming is there these
days? Does anybody even port games to Linux? I don't
know, and don't follow that market much.
Good luck.
Napsal: stř črc 07, 2004 10:29 am
od lipo
To nevypada moc dobre
.Daniel je na tom jak ?
Napsal: ned črc 25, 2004 6:02 pm
od Vykupitel
Zdravim vysmazeny po dovce
Prislo mi toto:
Hi Lada,
I just revamped the TDFX driver, and I would need
some demos/games to test it. SLI is not fixed yet,
cos I looked into the driver itself, not the DRI
Now, I wonder if you have some Linux game demos.
I am interested especially in those demos that come
in two versions: Win+Linux, because the texture/image
data should be shared. Since I already have a shitload
of win demos, I would need only the "executables".
I suppose I'm not asking something illegal, since I
want the "demos", but I would like to spare myself of
downloading hudreds of megs twice.
Takze se podivej na disku co mas za Linuxove gamesy at mu muzem delat support. Vypada to dost slibne
Napsal: pon črc 26, 2004 10:33 am
od lipo
po dovoleny dobra zprava
Taky zdravim ze by snad byla mala nadeje na uspech
kounu se zatim sem zkousel Q3,Q1 a Wolfa unreala sem nerozchodil spatnej instalator nebo image Jinak pod wine by snad mely chodit vsechny hry ale hlavne vsechno od Id_softu a od Aclaimu (unreal_y)
Napsal: pon črc 26, 2004 10:43 am
od Vykupitel
Jo,ale potrebujem jen DEMA,zadny warez.
Napsal: pon črc 26, 2004 12:00 pm
od lipo
aha bude asi problem ale da se to snad nekde potahat z netu ne ?
Napsal: pon črc 26, 2004 3:17 pm
od Vykupitel
Jinak se mrkni sem, Daniel se do toho pustil masivne: ... ortby=date
Napsal: pon črc 26, 2004 3:25 pm
od lipo
Super uz se tesim az to otestuju
Bude potreba pak zkompilovat novou mesu s podporou toho driveru nebo to pujde samostatne jako udelat modul a nainstalovat ci opatchovat jadro ? Tak me napada ze by to mohli implementovat do new jadra misto toho stavajiciho az se vyladi
Napsal: pon črc 26, 2004 3:30 pm
od Vykupitel
Nenech se zmylit,tohle jsou zatim jen upravy na strane MESA, co se tyce podpory extension apod. SLI a dalsi veci se resi na strane DRI: ... te#dirlist