sháním nějaký materiály ohledně této problematiky; pročetl jsem články na Beyond3D, ale kdybyste věděli o čemkoli dalším, nebo měli nějaké vlastní zkušenosti a informace, budu za ně vděčný
zaujala mě jedna dobová série článků na beyond3d; autor byl zezačátku k postfilteringu velice skeptický, považoval to za marketingový výmysl, nesmysl atp., ale postupem času, jak zjišťoval podrobnosti a jak se k němu dostaly korektní screenshoty, začal poněkud obracet, až se to dostalo do zajímavýho stádia
One small final note: everybody is criticizing 3dfx today. This is wrong, that is wrong, this feature is missing that feature is missing. Well you can give criticism about any card out there: TNT2 isn't perfect either. TNT2 is not at all different from TNT1, it still doesn't support palletized textures (used a lot in games) and the lack of texture compression (3dfx has some compression.. though the texture size is limited), making the high resolution textures practically unusable. I mean why support upto 2048x2048 textures? Such a texture requires 2048x2048x2bytes = 8 Mb of storage! Naturally, you want MipLevels: add 33%. This means that such a texture requires a massive 10Megs... not usable is it? And what about their texture caching ? Its not very flexible is it? Unreal needed some serious reprogramming to work, since TNT1/2 doesn't support state changes very well. Now since I don't want to be called anti-NVIDIA (or Pro-3dfx for that matter): Savage4 isn't perfect either. Their external bandwidth is limited to 64 bits, its "only" running at 125 MHz, their drivers have never been hunky-dory. Matrox G400: what about the OpenGL ICD, and what about speed? Will they truly deliver? PowerVR Neon 250 : will it ever be released? Permedia 3 : same comment. In the end all boards and companies can and will be criticized but remember... look at the good things too. And AFAIK this 22-bit trick of 3dfx is a good thing.