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Napsal: čtv dub 08, 2010 12:49 am
od ps47
nieje to spatne,ale zatial by som preferoval wolgl,predsa len,je viac "nativny"..
anyway,nieco pre stalkera (ak si pamatate na build 1935 releasnuty niekedy minuly rok):
plus bugfix/enhanced graphics mody pre shadow of chernobyl & clear sky:
prvy som uz zacal hrat a som spokojny,odporucam hlavne ked idete hrat stalkera prvy krat,pripadne ked nemate zaujem o mody ktore prilis upravuju gameplay.
Napsal: pát dub 16, 2010 9:33 pm
od Wolfik
tak sem dneska s bráchou rozjel suprovou (snad nejlepší, co jsem kdy hrál) strategii...Z !!!
Ruská banda fanoušků k tomu vytvořila dost dobrej balík, který vám umožní bez problému hru nainstalovat na XP a hrát! Hudba, zvuky a filmy jedou naprosto korektně a dokonce multiplayer je pro více hráčů než dva (zatím jsem lehce testl)
Takže - je ke stažení poslední verze, co Bitmap Brothers vydali. Já jsem si ji musel stáhnout, protože moje originálka je nějaká vzácnost, co se prodávala tady a s neoficiálním patchy nefunguje. Namontujte iso a spustě přiložený instalaror Expansion XP, který vám hru korektně nainstaluje na XP.
Potom tadyhle si stáhněte poslední betu a nakopčete exe do složky se hrou a přes něj hru spouštějte.
Pokud chcete hrát v okně, tak spusťtě s parametrem /w3d
Napsal: sob dub 17, 2010 8:50 pm
od ps47
Napsal: ned kvě 09, 2010 11:51 am
od wolf00
Napsal: ned kvě 09, 2010 12:26 pm
od ps47
Napsal: ned kvě 09, 2010 12:54 pm
od wolf00
Napsal: ned čer 27, 2010 11:35 am
od ps47 ... d=26943828
fps limiter,hadzem si to sem aby som to nezabudol otestit,snad ma to konecne zbavi toho videa v pozadi pri ss/thief1+2 (mierne pointless,najneskor v septembri prechadzam na lcd,ale what the hell,sometimes you just gotta have fun)..
Napsal: stř črc 14, 2010 8:44 pm
od wolf00
Napsal: pon srp 23, 2010 7:10 pm
od ps47
Napsal: čtv srp 26, 2010 4:00 am
od ps47
ps47 píše:Timeslip (autor ddfixu pre ss2/thief1/2) píše:And finally, another new project. EA recently added tiberium sun alongside tiberium dawn and red alert in their classic C&C free downloads section. Since I already own the other two they weren't particulaly interesting, but I've never played tiberium sun, so I gave it a download. It actually runs pretty well on this Win7 machine, except for some resolution issues, which I can make a patch for easily enough. Except that I don't want to: I was looking over the list of these graphics patches I've made for old games. I have fallout 1/2, thief 1/2, system shock 2, diablo, crimson skies, summoner, and a couple more that I never got to a releasable standard but only used myself. (Dungeon keeper springs to mind.)** I feel this is starting to get a bit silly, and I suspect that my move to win7 and DX11 hardware will have broken even more recent games, so rather than trying to keep patching everything individually, I've started work on a generic wrapper for DirectX 1 through to 7 to DirectX 9, emulating all the old DirectX features that have been dropped along the way. There's no downloads yet; I'm saving a release for when I'm able to use it to play every game that I currently have an individual patch for.
zle spravy:
Timeslip (autor ddfixu pre ss2/thief1/2) píše:I've unfortunately given up on my generic dx<insert small number here> to dx9 patch. There are two reasons for that; the method I ended up using to emulate all of the required features, (mainly the fact that the older directx versions are a lot more liberal with what sort of things you're allowed to lock and modify directly,) while promoting anything that could legally be used as a render target to 32 bit, ended up with 4 dx9 surfaces for each original surface. There was a lot of copying stuff around and blt's/format conversion on the cpu, which slowed the whole thing down. Secondly, a lot of the glitches I came across in games are actually caused by the games broken behaviour, doing unsupported stuff with DX that just happened to work back then but which was never supported and which doesn't work any more, all of which needs to be patched individually. It looks like continuing with individual patches is going to be the way to go, because any big 'generic' patch is going to be a lot slower, but still have to end up with lots of game specific hacks in it anyway. If you can't just copy it into a folder of a new and untested game and have it work first time, you lose most of the point of doing it.
cize dx1-8 to dx9 wrapper sa nekona,presne z toho isteho dovodu preco je take tazke dat dokopy dobry glide wrapper-ono nestaci emulovat api podla specifikacii,aplikacie su totiz spatne nakodene a robia si co chcu..ah well
Napsal: čtv srp 26, 2010 9:59 am
od Bob van Sikorski
Napsal: pát srp 27, 2010 10:27 pm
od ps47
cez vikend mam o zabavu postarane. nemyslim ze by som to niekedy potreboval,ale jeden nikdy nevie..
Napsal: pát srp 27, 2010 10:28 pm
od Bob van Sikorski
neser, já potřebuju psát články!
Napsal: pon zář 06, 2010 1:54 am
od ps47
ddfix1.5.1,takze konecne,po 10 rokoch (prvy krat sa problem objavil pod win2000) mame funkcny a prakticky frame limiter pre vsetky hry beziace na dark engine.tento rok uz nepotrebujem ziaden darcek na vianoce..
* PrintScreen works for menu screens now also.
* Added setting of maxanisotropy for the second texture stage.
* Frame rate limiter.
* Revisited menu screen update delay. Supports T2 and TG.
* New ini file option for setting the menu screen aspect ratio.
* Texture replacement support for TG v1.37 (T2 v1.18 was already supported). Removed Thief2Extensions option and added new TextureReplacement option.
* New ini file section MemAddr allows direct setting of the memory addresses to be patched.
Napsal: pát zář 10, 2010 3:33 pm
od ps47
po dlhsej dobe prekopany prvy post: fixnuta linka alebo dve,doplnene nejake drobnosti,plus uprava final fantasy7/8 sekcie-za poslednych par mesiacov bola na tychto dvoch hrach odvedena kopa prace,a na novych strojoch by mali obe behat takmer bezbolestne (obzvlast ff7,ktora ma konecne jeden univerzalny patcher ktory hru bezbolestne upravi do "enhanced classic gameplay" stavu)..
a aby som nebol uplne ot:
edit: pridavam jeden pomerne zaujimavy mod pre deus ex,bezi na poslednej verzii shifter modu a pridava thieflike veci ako kradnutie a mantling ala ss2 (mimochodom,ma mantling nejake ceskoslovenske slovo?)..
Napsal: pon zář 13, 2010 4:10 pm
od ps47
kolya tool 3.0,s bugfixom pre
adaob0.3.0,tzn hi-res pohyblive textury (monitory,screeny) pre ss2 bez padania=uz viem co budem robit dalsi tyzden po nociach
Napsal: pon zář 13, 2010 4:37 pm
od Bob van Sikorski
moc pěkné. jenže nemám vůbec čas
Napsal: pon zář 13, 2010 9:14 pm
od ps47
treba menej spat
..a rovno
ddfix1.5.2,fixnuty problem s AF,pridana dalsia metoda limitacie fps,moznost zanut triple buffering a kopa dalsich veci..that guy means business.
1.5.3,veery nice
Napsal: čtv zář 23, 2010 4:29 am
od ps47
..myslim ze tento predoslu verziu som tu uz pred casom spominal,ale nevadi,v kazdom pripade,prva animacka projektu
ss2 cutscene rebirth by mala byt v pre-final fazi..
Napsal: pon říj 04, 2010 6:42 am
od ps47
..tak teraz mam nieco co "pravovernych" iste potesi-mame plne funkcny mouselook v ss1.vyrieseny je genialne jednoduchym sposobom,a to presne tak ako v ss2,cize prislusnym tlacitkom sa prepinam medzi
use-mode (klasicky rezim ovladania,je nutne sa donho prepnut vzdy ked dochadza k nejakej interakcii s okolitymi predmetmi),a shoot-mode (full mouselook,vyborny ked je treba behat hore dole a strielat).hratelnost stupla o priblizne 300%
je to integrovane v ssp (vratane dalsich veci,ako napr vylepsene textury,a uz spomenuty mod upravujuci text aby sedel s hovorenymi logmi),takze kto ma starsiu verziu ako 1.2,