Opět to chce intuici (a doufám, že jsem to trefil )
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
<blbě>Protože to bylo divný. Takže to samozřejmě není 10ns, ale 6ns. Opsal jsi tam všechno vč. data výroby, ale to podstatný ne </blbě>
edit: znovu blbě - ptal jsem se na třetí, ne na čtvrtou
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
Ale ne, je to ok, takhle je 10ns, ale tys mi poslal obrázek čtvrtý místo obrázku třetí a to by pak bylo opačně. Je to přesně tak, jak jsem napsal na začátku.
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz