If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
Což o to, A-Trend by byl určitě Ale ještě nejsem rozhodnutej
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
Potřebuješ druhou do SLI, nebo je to kvůli něčemu jinýmu?
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
Žádnej nemáš? Mám tu dva nebo tři, který jsem ještě nevyzkoušel, tak je ještě dneska projedu a zkusím nějakej slušnej vybrat
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
s výměnou souhlasím, ale musím tu V2 testnout (už jsem se k tomu včera nedostal...)
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz