len mala poznamka-redukcia neexistuje,ale da sa vyrobit (ak si v tom dobry,samozrejme).ak k tomu nemas chobotnicu,tak cena karty dost klesne.nova chobotnica sa ziskava tazko..
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
a kde najdem tu schemu? chcel by som tu kartu but pouzit do barbone alebo ju predat je mi luto toho tv tuneru...funguje aj u nas?ked sa mi podari hodim sem foto:)
Měl by. Pokud je "PAL". Ale pod 2k/XP ho nerozchodíš a pod 98/ME to taky není procházka růžovou zahradou
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz
Drivery pro GPU nejsou problém, myslel jsem drivery pro tuner a multimediální čipset.
If you're doing rotated grid SSAA (call it sparse grid if you wish but most often your samples will be in the "rotated" position) : then this AA is better than sex. ---Blazkowicz