- 40nm
- ~2.1B transistors
- ~333mm²
- 1600 SPs
- 80 TMU
- 32 ROPs
- 850 MHz
- 2,7 TFlops
- 1/2 GB GDDR5 1200 MHz
- ~150 GB/s
- Idle: 26 watts
- Peak: 190 watts
- Price: $399/449
- September 23
- 1440 SPs
- 72 TMUs
- 32 ROPs
- ~700 MHz
- 2,0 TFlops
- 1 GB GDDR5 ~1000 MHz
- ~128 GB/s
- Price: < $300
- September 23
... they reworked the TMUs, the cache, and added some really nice features ...
... this information is all "under NDA" .. and it is "leaked" to us.
I guess our friend Huddy was right; i am pleasantly surprised.
standardně má jedna karta 3 nezávislé výstupy, HD5870 SIX bude mít 6 digitálních výstupů a na více displejů je třeba karet víc...

články (dva z těch webů po zveřejnění článků nějak padly):Anand Lal Shimpi píše:I played Dirt 2, a DX11 title at 7680 x 3200 and saw definitely playable frame rates.
- techreport.com: Eyefinity pushes over 24 million pixels with one next-gen Radeon
- anandtech.com: Beginnings of the Holodeck: AMD's DX11 GPU, Eyefinity and 6 Display Outputs
- hardocp.com: AMD Next Generation ATI Radeon Eyefinity Technology
- hwupgrade.it: Multidisplay: come incrementare produttività e divertimento
- xtremesystems.org/forums: 24-monitor quadfire QUAKE III Arena action