V3k5 jak na to...

Jakákoli problematika co se týká Voodoo 3 čí Velocity 100/200

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V3k5 jak na to...

Příspěvek od Gringo »

Mam Voodoo 3500TV, kterou jsem dal do kompu s Athlonem a WidlemiXp (je tam i Ubuntu, ale tam to asi nepojede)
Ve WXP mam nainstalovany AmigaSport driver a VisualReality, jede mi obraz, ale nejede mi zvuk, resp. sum a takove ty poruchy slysim, ale co rika ten pan na obrazovce ne. Z toho soudim, ze kabelaz bude OK, jen to chce poladit ty "televizni normy"...
Ve vyberu pro Video normu vubec neni ceska republika, ale zase na druhou stranu, zkousel jsem Germany, Slovakia (PAL-B), Poland (PAL-D), a vsechno tak nejak jelo (krom zvuku).. Takze je otazka, ci to ma na to vyznam a co tam navolit, aby to chodilo...
Diky za rady!
Gringo Joe Peter Shooter, osobne
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Příspěvek od wizzy »

Vypadá to na konflikt mezi normami PAL B/G a PAL D/K. Ovšem nevím, jestli je to u V3k5 záležitost sw nebo hw. Primárně by to asi chtělo vědět, jestli to frčí pod svým standardním os (w98)...
W.I.Z.Z.Y. : Wolframový Inteligentní Zabíjecí Záludný Yankee
Core2DUO E4300 (1.8@2.8GHz), Zalman CNPS7700-AlCu, Asus P5W-DH Deluxe, 3GB DDR2, 2x1TB WD Black, DVD-R/W LG GSA-H55L + GSA H12N, ATi HD4850, Thermalright HR-03GT, V2 12MB Dragon, HP LP2475w 24", SB X-Fi Fatal1ty, Leadtek Winfast PxDVR3200 H, Cambridge SW 5.1, Enermax Liberty ELT 500AWT a tak...
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Příspěvek od Gringo »

Tak tohle muzu vyzkouset az v roce 2008:-(
Gringo Joe Peter Shooter, osobne
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Příspěvek od Kayman »

hmmm, ak si dobre pamatam tak mal som podobny problem. kedysi u nas v kablovke Ceska Televize vysielala v druhej z tych dvoch zvukovych noriem ako ostatne tv a neslo mi to na 3500tv
skus pozriet registre ci sa tam neda zmenit zvukova norma lebo nie vsetko sa dalo vo VisualReality tusim nastavit, resp nie vzdy sa to nastavilo :)
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Příspěvek od ps47 »

toto by nepomohlo? Voodoo3 3500/TV Standard Select V1.1
Voodoo 3 3500 TV Standard Selector Software

Well,For begginig I want to talk that I created these patches
with the purpose of obtaining colored images since to 3dfx refuses
to liberate the drivers for PAL-M / N. I am not going against the
company, but it is that many bought the card thinking a thing and
when they noticed, it was another thing, and they didn't have as
rescuing the money of turn. It was for these people that I developed
this Patch ! PATCH this working correctly for PAL-M. but he
incapacitates all the other patterns.and patch is irreversible,
therefore if you wants to use other pattern of TV in another software
of capture of images it should recuperate the original file, because
the changes of patterns done they don't work more

PATCH this working correctly for all standards supported by the driver
of the 3dfx and micronas CHIP (PAL(Europe), NTSC(USA), SECAM, NTSC-K,
NTSC 4.4 MHz,PAL-M and PAL-N, but this program only works once with NONUS
drivers and once applied the fix the software incapacitates all the other
video patterns. The patch it is irreversible, therefore if the user wants
to use other software for capturing Mpeg´s he will only have the selected
standard, or it should recuperate Default (original driver).

1- Open the software by cliking in shortcut four possibilities
exist depending of your card

2- After you has opened the software ,select your prefered standard
to apply the patch.

(Attention: making this your drivers will just have an image pattern
for always, or it apply patch just for 1 video standard, for like this
you to enjoy a perfect visualization in the software 3dfx Visual Reality TV.
If you want to use of another software for recording your Mpeg´s it had
simply owed execute V3std again and to select
the option " default " -> this recuperates your old drivers )

3- After selected an patched your drivers ,
then close v3std software and open 3dfx Visual Reality TV and have fun :)
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