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dborca este nekonci-ked sa mrknete na jeho web,najdete tam novy zdrojak pre kompilaciu dxtn.dll (snad to niekto zkompiluje a hodi online,podla moznosti s navodom ako to pouzivat,pretoze dxtn.dll kt je momentalne k dispozici mi hry nezrychli nech robim co robim :roll: ),a prvu alpha verziu novinky nazvanej je to SAGE? momentalne sa to tvari ako uplne novy standalone opengl ovladac pre voodoo karty.uvidime :)
Naposledy upravil(a) ps47 dne úte pro 20, 2005 3:27 pm, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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Příspěvek od ps47 » konecne som si nasiel cas (to by ste sa divili ako malo ma clovek casu ked nic nerobi) precitat si detaily pri tom sage opengl driveri,a pokial som to spravne pochopil,tak ta prevratne novinka spociva v tom ze sage je prvy 3dfx opengl ovladac ktory sa newrapuje na znie nadmieru zaujimavo :wink:
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To zni velmi jsem stahl a jeste dneska asi vyzkousim a porovnam co to umi a co ne.

Tohle me velmi zaujalo: "EXT_texture_env_combine emulation is transparent for cards that don't support it" ....skoda ze nemam nejakou Banshee nebo V1, tam by me ta transparentnost tohodle oseru zajimala nejvic :-).
Diagon Swarm - Můj NOVÝ "NOTEBOOK" blog :arrow: [WWW]
Je těžké být debilem, konkurence je příliš velká.
14" Lenovo ThinkPad T400 - Core2 Duo T9900 3,1GHz, 8GB DDR3, 300GB Intel 320 SSD, WWAN, 1440x900 LED + Advanced Mini-dock + ThinkPad UltraNAV USB Keyboard + 2x 24" LCD
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myslim ze momentalne ten ovladac nerozbehne nic az na par vybranych testov..ale na druhu stranu,ani mesafx nebola az taka palka ked vysla prva verzia :wink:
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Mno nevim, byly tam nejaky neplatny odkazy do glide knihovny, tak nevim, jak moc je to na ni nezavisle.
Diagon Swarm - Můj NOVÝ "NOTEBOOK" blog :arrow: [WWW]
Je těžké být debilem, konkurence je příliš velká.
14" Lenovo ThinkPad T400 - Core2 Duo T9900 3,1GHz, 8GB DDR3, 300GB Intel 320 SSD, WWAN, 1440x900 LED + Advanced Mini-dock + ThinkPad UltraNAV USB Keyboard + 2x 24" LCD
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dborca sa ozval :D
zla sprava je,ze mesafx final release asi nebude.dobra sprava ale je,ze sage working release asi bude,takze mozno toho quaka4 na nasich voodoo dvojkach este poopekame :wink:
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a mame tu SAGE pre voodoo4/ som teda pekne zvedavy :D
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prepacte mi opat moju neznalost..
This project was written completely on a Slackware Linux machine, but there is a Windows version available too.
znamena to ze existuje linux verzia? lebo neviem ju najst :oops:
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asi nieje verejna.

prve reakcie na sage su velmi pozitivne :)
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nova verzia.zvysok pracovneho tyzdna budem mat volno,asi skusim poopekat nejake tie gamesy..
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..tak som trocha pozeral na sage (a 3dfxzone),a podla toho co som videl v ini subore (ano,sage ma ini subor,perfektna vecicka kt mi v mesafx chybala),vyzera to tak ze sage+dxtn=kompresia textur na voodoo3 :shock: .holy shit.
# 3dfx configuration

# OpenGL version, as returned by glGetString(GL_VERSION). It is really 1.1,
# but some games (Savage, Homeworld2) refuse to run unless >= 1.2.
# 3dfx.opengl.version = 1.2

# Texture compression. Allowed values are 0, 1, 2, 3. On this variable,
# the following algorithm is applied by the driver:
# if Voodoo1, Rush, Voodoo2, Banshee, Voodoo3 and this is greater than 1
# subtract 2
# if external codec not available and this is odd value
# subtract 1
# The resulting value is processed as follows:
# 0 disable texture compression API
# 1 decompress precompressed textures
# 2 no compression within the driver, but use precompressed textures
# 3 allow compression within the driver and use precompressed textures
3dfx.texture.compression = 3

# Maximum texture size, as returned by glGet(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE). By default,
# it returns the hardware limit, but some games (CallOfDuty, IFoundHer) refuse
# to run unless >= 9. Do not increase this just for fun, because textures
# larger that hardware can support are automatically rescaled, anyway.
# Has no effect on Voodoo4, Voodoo5.
# 3dfx.maxlod = 9

# Disable GL_{ARB|EXT}_texture_env_combine. On Voodoo4, Voodoo5 cards,
# texture combine is fully supported, but you still can disable it just in case
# combine code is buggy (also, texture combine and trilinear filtering are
# mutually exclusive). On other cards, texture combine is partially emulated.
# You can disable emulation if you experience texture mapping corruption.
# 3dfx.disable.combine = y

# Voodoo4, Voodoo5 can display 32bit textures on 16bit visuals. Disabling this
# can speed up the application at the expense of very small loss in quality.
# Has no effect on Voodoo1, Rush, Voodoo2, Banshee, Voodoo3.
# 3dfx.disable.32bpt = y

# Multitexturing can greatly improve texture mapping. Disabling multitex will
# slow down the application, but you still can do it just in case multitex code
# is buggy (also, multitexture and trilinear filtering are mutually exclusive).
# Has no effect on Voodoo1, Rush, Banshee.
# 3dfx.disable.multitex = y

# UMA can greatly improve texture caching. Disabling UMA will slow down
# the application. This option exists just in case UMA code is buggy.
# Has no effect on Voodoo1, Rush, Voodoo2.
# 3dfx.disable.texuma = y

# Disable Fog coordinate, just in case my fogcoord code is buggy.
# Has no effect on Voodoo1, Rush.
# 3dfx.disable.fogcoord = y

# Disable Texture mirror, just in case my texmirror code is buggy.
# Has no effect on Voodoo1, Rush.
# 3dfx.disable.texmirror = y

# Disable GL_NV_blend_square, just in case my blendsquare code is buggy.
# Has no effect on Voodoo1, Rush, Voodoo2, Banshee, Voodoo3.
# 3dfx.disable.blendsquare = y
edit: tak som vyskusal q1 a ET (v5 5500agp/win98se/posledny oficial ovladac,sage a dxtn.dll v adresari hry),ale kasle to na mna,po 3dfx splash screene mam crash to desktop ;(
Naposledy upravil(a) ps47 dne pát říj 02, 2009 1:44 pm, celkem upraveno 1 x.
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dborca píše:..I plan to have a look at it in the next few days.

Oh, and will also update Sage.
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